Tuesday, April 27, 2010

KidStuf Ceremony - May 26th

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pictures from Dadddy Daughter Dinner!

We had a fabulous evening last Friday as 20 dads and their daughters joined us for the Daddy Daughter Dinner. Check out the good looking crew above!

My daddy came too! One of many Daddy Daughter Dinners we've enjoyed together. Thanks for being a great dad, Dad! I love you so much!

Beautiful pink and black tables and delicious cupcake cakes!

Lovely girls with their Dads!

Thanks Dads & Daughters for a great time! I hope you were encouraged to cherish the precious relationship God has given you. Dads - do everything you can to create a beautiful spiritual legacy for your daughters. Daughters - follow your Dads as they follow Jesus.

Encouraging & Equipping our children to Make Mark on Culture

I've never left a Sunday School class as excited as I did today - I must share my thoughts before they escape me! The adult class is continuing to do the Truth Project Study and we're on the Economics Tour. Today's lesson has tremendous implications for our children, so I was listening with both ears and want to share and remind parents of the truths we were taught.

In a previous blog post I wrote about the tendency I sense from myself and from parents to be afraid of the world and afraid of culture, crippling our children with fear rather than equipping them to enter culture with the presence and power of Jesus. Why are we afraid? Our first response to the facts shared in today's lesson tend to strike fear in our hearts. Dr. Tackett pointed out that "No generation has ever been more manipulated by media than today's generation." Facts from Gordon Pennington (former director of marketing, Tommy Hilfigher) were shared stating that "Western society sees over 60,000 audio and visual advertising images daily." We cannot have complete control of the media that enters our children's minds and that leaves us afraid.

It seems fitting to post John 16:33 once again. "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Take heart, dear parents, the world we live in and our children are growing up in is under the complete authority of Jesus Christ!

What should we do about it? Release our kids to express the creative genius that God has placed in each one of them. I was struck by a quote shared in today's video "Though Christians may have left the arts, God has not." As Christians, have we become so afraid and disgusted by how evil has twisted the arts, that we have removed ourselves entirely? There is no more important place for us to be than in the creative arts and media that shape culture more than any other industry. After spending my college years and my first few years after college in marketing and journalism, I am passionate about this topic!

As our children are filled with the Holy Spirit, they are filled with the power of the Most High and they are equipped with the creativity and genius to go and do what God has called them to do. As Dr. Tackett said this morning, "We need to encourage our children to enter the creative sphere." Christians should be entering the marketplace with boldness and confidence, doing our very best work with the talents God has given us. Let's go alongside our children and bring Jesus to culture!

VBS - Right around the corner!

SonRock Kids Camp is right around the corner and we need your help. June 7-11 our church will be bustling with young adventurers exploring God's love for them! You have the chance to impact a life for eternity!
People We Need: Group Leaders, Crafts/Games/Kitchen/Decorating Help
Things We Need: Camping Gear - tents, lanterns, lawn chairs, wood, fishing poles, artificial trees & Plants, Stuffed animals (skunks, raccoons, wolves, ducks, owls).

Please put your name on items and drop them off in the room to the east of the sanctuary stage. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Take Heart, I Have Overcome the World" - Jesus

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Jn. 16:33

What powerful and precious words from Jesus! Every time I read that verse I feel the arms of Jesus embracing me and making me strong!

I sometimes sense a tendency in myself as a Children's Ministry Director, and in Christian parents to fear the world and all that it throws at our children. Today's post is a challenge to take heart! It's a challenge to trust Jesus as the ultimate leader of our lives and of our children's lives.

No matter how hard we try to protect our children from the negative influences of media and the world around us, their young minds are exposed to society's ideals and lies at every turn. This thought often overwhelms me and my first response is fear. I begin asking the questions - How will a child ever understand truth? What can I do to protect these children? Is there any way I can be with them every second to talk them through these things? How quickly I forget the Lord's control and His command - Do Not Be Afraid!

We spend far too much time crippling ourselves and our children with the fear of the world, and not enough time living with the power and the courage that comes from Jesus' declaration - Take Heart! I have overcome the world! In other words - Take Heart - I am God at Stewart Elementary! Take Heart - I am God at WACO Schools! Take Heart - I am God at Lincoln Elementary! Take Heart - I am the God of this City and the God of your children!

Take Heart, dear parents! As we partner to provide a strong biblical foundation for the children of our church, we can confidently and fearlessly send them out into the world to be all that God intended them to be. We can trust Him to protect them and use them.

Don't get me wrong - I encourage you to be constantly aware of what your children are being exposed to, and wise as you choose what shows, video games, movies, and books you allow them to fill their minds with. As you prayerfully consider these decisions, trust God to guide you in discussions that will help your young ones develop a christian worldview in an unchristian world. Praying for you!

Daddy Daughter Dinner in 3 Days!

I cannot wait to spend Friday evening with our beautiful girls and their dads! We have a fabulous evening planned with a delicious dinner and some exciting activities to bond our dads & daughters.

If there's someone you have yet to invite - there's still time! Help me welcome our community to this special event. Please have any final RSVPs to me by Thursday afternoon. Remember - all girls 6th grade and under are welcome to attend with their dads. And if dad can't make it, I know plenty of kind gentleman that can fill in. See you there!